
Snapping Shame

So I went to Starbucks with my son this morning for a coffee. In fact, before that we were at the grocery store to get some water because last night the faucets were spraying out amber liquid. It makes my stomach hurt to think about it, so let's just not talk too much concerning that. All I know is that I was lying down on the bed and Dear Sir was brushing his teeth. He always leaves the water running. The Californian in me always comes out but I supress it. He even teaches the kids to do this. They are very confused because I usually tell them that they should turn off the water when they brush. My reasons make more sense, but oh well. I have confused kids now. I tell you, you must get everything squared away before you have kids. Even when it comes to drinking in water fountains or not. I have learned the hard way.

Ok, so I was at Starbucks with my oldest. We were in line, a monstrous line, and my son was snapping to the jazzy music. Just ahead of us my band's guitarist was buying coffee with his son Charles who is about my son's age. My son and Charles have played a couple of times, but I am not sure what Charles thinks of him. He is a funny kid. He is quiet and has quite a dry sense of humor. I actually love it and find it refreshing. My son says (when Charles passes by), "Hey!" snapping away. Charles looks at him: "Hey," he says. He walks off and gets his fluffy strawberry blended creme from the coffee bar.

Later in the car I talk to my son. "Do you and Charles get along much?" I ask him.

He sips his vanilla drink for a minute. "He's okay. He probably thinks I am crazy."

"Why is that?" I ask.

"He saw me snapping to the music."

"Oh," I say.

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