

I have not been able to function right lately because my guitar has taken a bad turn. It has suddenly (with the change in weather, etc) developed another crack continuing from the old one. This new crack is nearly all the way to the bridge. This is all I will say about the detail of how I feel. Things will get cleared up, I hope, but please pray for me. Since I have bought it I have not been able to enjoy it hardly at all as it was damaged after nearly a month or two. The sad thing is that this new damage is just a continuation of the old damage. My poor guitar truly got messed up. The man that fixed it (who did a superb job---I do not believe this damage is his fault) is going to investigate this further, so once the guitar is out of my hands I will feel better. I think. I am just sick about it. At this point I just want a new guitar, this one is thoroughly ruined. I can not abide that before the damage was done, it was brand new, literally a few months old, and then it was stepped on and whatnot to where now I have continual problems with it. I just need a new guitar. I can't handle this anymore.

The kids keep approaching me in my state of despair to hug me and offer their sympathy. The Oldest is playing songs on the piano to "get my mind off it" and asks me from time to time, "are you thinking of your guitar, mom?" It has been bothering me so much I feel like throwing up, I don't want to eat, I wake up in the night thinking of it. I know it is just a replaceable instrument, but this is my dream guitar, ruined in one minute while I was on the other side of the room. Even before I played guitar and I was a teen, I wanted to learn how to play and own a Martin acoustic. In a stupid way, I wish had not bought it. It has caused me a short amount of joy, but nothing but grief soon after.

I have never even owned my own car before. It is stupid, but it was the one thing I prized and it is ruined. The story is worse than this, but I can not talk about it here. Sorry to be a downer, you should have skimmed, I guess.


Avery Gray said...

I'm so sorry! It may be just a "replaceable instrument", but it obviously means a lot to you. I hope you can get yourself a new one soon.

BTW, your kids are awfully sweet!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too. Does Santa know that you need a new guitar? I'm sure you've been nice. Ya never know.

Anonymous said...

well let me tell you this, don't turn this into something where you feel guilty for wanting or liking the guitar. IN FACT!! why don't you put a donation thing on your site so those that want to can help you raise money for a new one. You deserve it!!!

Jacquie said...

awww, sorry to hear about it. I know I would be bummed too if I didn't have my Geetar. Hopefully something can be done.

Anonymous said...


Jennifer said...

Aw yeah, I can understand how upsetting it would be. I hope things are looking up for you today.

Anne said...

I know about the "guitar thing". I'm 41 and I've had my guitar since I was 13 and it was 40 years old when I got it - it's pretty much a collector's item. I tell everyone, if there's a fire in my house my guitar would be the only material object I would worry about saving. First my kids, then my guitar.

I get on my kids all the time when they get out the instruments we have and leave them on the floor - I about freak on them.

I know I'm late to comment here so I hope all is well with you.